So let me ask… Does this sound like you? You’ve tried a million gadgets. “Are you SURE I’m ok!?” “Just one more anxiety video..” and “More googling”, more .. and more…
If you’ve tried all the things to get rid of anxiety, and it still not working then this message is for you friend!
The more you try to DO something about anxiety, the more your body keeps sending you energy so you can keep DOING. Stop the doing first. You don’t fight yourself to calmness. You stop fighting FIRST, then your body learns to calm ITSELF down!
If you are doing anything… even healthy things.. with the mindset of “lets try this and see if it works, did I get rid of the anxiety? Nope, it’s still there because I still feel anxious.” … well you are going about it all wrong my friend.
If you are engaged in survival BEHAVIORS, your body will keep sending you survival energy, until it gets the message by how your are ACTING.
Clue – when you are no longer ACTING AS IF there is DANGER RIGHT NOW, your body will finally process the “ALL CLEAR” message of safety, and begins the process of winding down all the alarms.
“Calm” is NOT the goal, its’ a byproduct.
You don’t end Anxiety by Eliminating Anxiety.
You end Anxiety by healing your relationship with Anxiety.
Serving Residents of NJ, NY and PA.